Now I have my prosthetic piece I can now colour it to fit with my character.

When I mixed my silicone to make my final prosthetic piece I mixed it an orange colour so it would set and be coloured for my character nose.

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On the pictures below  you can see I only coloured the part of the prosthetic I will be using which is the nose and cheeks. Luckily, because of the coloured silicone I used, I didn’t have to use the oil paints on my nose; I just put on black lines around the creases to make it look like a carrot.

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My piece is ready for fitting!

Final Bald Cap Assessment

My Character

My first thoughts of my design was an undersea creature, I have done the makeup in water colours with the blues, and purples. I have used the blue colour sequins as the shimmer on the skin. The orange lips are the focus point and at the bottom of the face like the plants at the bottom of the sea.

The texture I am using on my design is created with fish net tights and sponging over with the colour; Purple running up the side of the head and the blue in the middle. This gives it a fish scale effect.

Blue eyeliner around the eyes to make them stand out and a part of the design.

The rest of the face will be my models natural leaving the colour and detail on top.


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